Why I decided to study Software Engineering.

In truth, I decided on this career path on a whim. I was struggling for a really long time trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I knew for sure that I wanted a career that I would be passionate about it — something that I would gladly get up for work every day. Up until recently, I used to work in the Veterinary field as a Veterinary Receptionist/Assistant; the vet world was my first love. But, compassion fatigue is a real thing and after 2 years I realized I lost my love for it and knew I couldn’t do it anymore.

The real reason why I started studying Software Engineering was because I gained an interest in it after seeing a couple of ads on my social media for a workshop that aimed to teach women how to code. That interest quickly grew into something that I was learning to love and appreciate. After a couple of courses in the workshop, I started to research how coding could benefit my life. The more I learned, whether it was reading a dozen articles on Google or watching a ton of real-life experiences on YouTube I quickly realized that going on this journey — the career change I was seeking, could really change my life around.

